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Clinics Sign Up 
+ Equipment for Clinics

Step 1: Clinic Form

Please fill out the Clinic Sign Up Form (click on tab below) with your information.

Step 2: Clinic Invoice

You will receive an emailed clinic invoice to the email address which you provide in your Sign Up Form.  Please allow a few days to receive this emailed invoice. 

Step 3: Clinic Payment & Refunds Policy

 All clinic participants' fees (participants with a horse, auditors and/or students for lessons) are due at the time of your sign up, to secure your clinic spot. The clinic payment is a form of your commitment to participate in the clinic of your selection (as stated in your Sign Up Form) and your payment is non-refundable (besides understandable unforeseen health reasons and family emergencies; in which case a deposit of $250 will be retained and the remainder of all clinic fees will be refunded). 

Equipment for a clinic



If you wish to use treats, please bring them. I use quite a bit of treats when I train. If you have never used them and wish to learn how to use them successfully or you were not successful using them in the past and are interested in my help with that, I suggest that you bring some with you. If you do not want to use treats, that is perfectly fine too. There are many treat options. I prefer treats which are not super hard, so my horse doesn't choke on them. I usually buy the Nicker Makers or use cut up carrots. 


STICKS - of 3 different lengths ideally;


2x dressage sticks




1x driving stick



1x lunge whip (preferred)/ or a horsemanship stick (stick + string)






I highly suggest that you get a rope halter with a sliding ring which is custom measured and custom made to your horse's size! I get mine from locally, USA made, delivered to you within a couple weeks by Kathleen Grafton, with great prices!





My 2x favorite lead lines are also made by Katzhorsewear. I prefer the thinner yachting rope lead lines to the bulky ones, 9ft long (for ground PFT) and 18ft (for advanced PFT and liberty), without a snap. She can custom make you those as well, just get in touch with her.


Riding Equipment for Posture Focused Training or Bridleless Riding



I always tell my students to ride in what they normally ride in - rope halter, bosal, snaffle, curb bit, ... What matters the most is that you and your horse feel 1. safe, 2. comfortable. If we need to make any adjustments, we will.



I suggest you ride in a saddle during a riden clinic, because of the amount of time spent on the horse's back. Whichever saddle you normally ride in is o.k.



For a bridleless clinic, I suggest you bring a neck rope and 2 dressage sticks. 


Neck rope 


2x dressage sticks


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